
Things are continuing to go really well on my new “loads of food diet”. (that’s what I’ve decided on calling it)  I took my weight on Saturday and gained 1 lb but lost 2% of body fat!!!!  I was so excited.  You know what that means boys and girls?!?!?  That I have in total, so far I have lost 2.9 lbs of fat and have gained 1.9 lbs of muscle!!!  Woooo freakin hoooo!  Never thought I would be happy about seeing a higher number on the scale but I am really hoping to lose about 2-3 more percent of fat and gain about 4 more lbs of muscle.  (For those of you who wonder about how I am eating loads of food and loosing fat please refer to my last post.)

In other news, I am doing my first little competition this weekend.  Its a team WOD and we have 4 ladies that make up our little team called “3 squats and a snatch”.  I’m excited but kinda bummed because I have been having a lot of wrist pain.  It hurts when its bent back and has any weight on it.  So basically any load bearing exercise bites right now!!  No bueno.  I have been stretching, rolling out my forearms really good, heat and ice, fish oil….does anyone out there have any other ideas???

So to the point…What I really wanted to write about today is competition within the gym.  I have been kinda sad lately because a lot of the members are getting really down on themselves for not being able to do what other people are doing in their workouts.  Let me just tell everyone of my first crossfit experience (as embarrassing as it may be)…I was doing the baseline workout.  Not the hardest WOD in crossfit by FAR.  you do a 500M row, 40 Squats, 30 sit ups, 20 pushups and 10 pull ups.  I completed my row and did a few squats and that was it.  I was outside sitting my rear end on the curb.  I was dizzy, I felt weak, I was just trying not to throw up in front of my trainer.  It took me about 17 minutes to do baseline that day.  Now, I can do it in like 5 minutes. The point being, everyone sucks at first!!  Everyone has to start somewhere.  Don’t be so hard on yourself.  I still have things that I have to work hard on every day and I have been doing CF for 4 years.  If you are walking into a gym for the first time expecting to be the best, you are going to be humbled very quickly.  A box is a humbling place for everyone.   So go in, do your workout, don’t compare times, don’t focus on the people who are doing the heavy stuff, or the crazy gymnastic stuff.  Go in to have a good time.  Go in to make YOURSELF better.  Be proud of every little thing you accomplish.  A hole in your spirit can be dug very quickly if all you do is measure yourself against other people.  If you only did 1/2 a workout, be proud of that.  But strive to do a little better the next time.  You will get better each time, I promise!  So keep your head up, set some personal goals and for goodness sake, pat yourself on the freakin’ back already!  You are doing crossfit!!


So much has changed in the last month!

We all know how I am an avid primal eater (for the most part).  Recently I have taken it upon myself to steer a little off this strict path and do some experimenting.  Since a recent nutrition class at my gym, I was introduced to a new way of eating.  Thanks so much to Gregg, who taught that class and has been challenging me and keeping tabs on me because it has definitely spruced things up.  What am I doing, you ask??

In previous posts I have written down everything that I had eaten over a space of a day or two.  A day normally consisted of 1200 calories a day and I was primarily focused on low carbohydrates.  Well, after a month on this diet, this is how I ultimately felt…

My times at the gym were getting slower, I was tired.  SOOOO tired.  I was weak. I was scatter brained.  I was seriously thinking that there were major things wrong with me.

After talking with Gregg he basically told me that my body was starving.  I never thought that could be what it was.  I didn’t really feel a lot of hunger.  I ate plenty, or so I thought.  There was the jerky and nuts snacking and more snacking, and more snacking.  This didn’t amount up to very much.  Especially with what I needed my body to do.  I am at about 135 pounds.  My goal is to gain 5 pounds of muscle.  so I am really trying to gain it the right way and its pretty tough to do!  Who would have thought gaining weight would be hard! hahaha! In order to do this I have to test my body fat every week and make sure the weight I am gaining, is in fact muscle.

I am eating so much now.  So much that I almost want to barf.  I probably eat about 2400 calories a day.  That’s 6 meals at 400 calories.  I am eating the minute I wake up and before bed.  Basically every 2 1/2 to 3 hours.  This is an insane amount when all you are eating is clean food!!  I have strayed from primal.  I am giving this new diet a month to see what changes occur.  I now eat whole, sprouted grains.  Oatmeal in the morning, bread for lunch, brown rice.  Lean proteins (not so much beef and bacon :(  and LOADS of veggies and fruit.

So far here is what has happened.  This whole week has been a week of pr’s.  For any of you who speak the crossfit lingo…I did fran in like 4:19, Helen in 9:40, fight gone bad score was 332.  My broad jump increased from 92″ to 97″. I did 69 double unders in a row.  L sit time was 1:01.  My back squat 1RM was 165 and this week I did 185 three times.  I have so much energy I can jump out of bed in the morning.

I thought for sure that eating all of this food would fatten me up, but its done the opposite.  I have gained 1 pound and lost 1% of body fat in the first 9 days!  HUGE!!!!  I can’t wait to get to the end of this month and see what happens.  I will keep you posted!